The market for "virtual" and distance training, in all areas, has literally exploded in recent years. The majority of them can be useful, even complementary, as long as they do not concern living beings. We explain why.
The world of dog trainers includes a large number of specialized people and companies, more and more of which have online interfaces.
Between "entrepreneurs" and "information", these people call themselves "infopreneurs". They attract people with advertisements , on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and other social networks, by offering tutorials, advice videos and distance education training, all without knowing your animal and without ever meeting it. in truth !
This is the great inconsistency of this system. In addition, some do not even have dogs and use photos from image banks to invent a life. However, it would be easy to show yourself with your animal, to show your relationship with the other.
Their teaching is essentially based on rewards and punishments : treats, use of coercive tools, such as Pet Corrector, cans and bottles filled with stones to make noise and deter the animal by frightening it and making it anxious, collars stranglers, electric, jerks… This is the result of their incompetence , it's completely crazy and absurd, but it exists…!
Nothing like denaturing an animal!
To illustrate this incompetence, it suffices to see all the contradictory opinions on the same subject: some say one thing, others say something else. Making the language "in shape", with talk everywhere and from a distance, nothing like being ineffective!
It's doing business on living beings, only.
How can some canine educators decently claim to solve the difficulties encountered by a dog from a distance, based on the sole interpretations of the master?
With a biased or incomplete look, we risk committing acts that do not correspond to the personality of the animal , not responding to the problems encountered.
All the factors must be taken into account: age of weaning, inculcated canine codes, environment and way of life, habits given by the breeder, the owner or his possible predecessors, behavioral or medical history, history of the animal, character, experiences, feelings...
Just imagine that there are more than 350 breeds of dogs . And each dog has its own personality. A tutorial cannot adapt to all these singular stories, to each of these situations. We cannot rehash or copy and paste with tutorials, apply only one method to each dog. It is not a standardized object that a tutorial can educate.
Offering advice videos would therefore be hypocritical and misleading , because the dog is not an object: it requires a case-by-case approach and not playing with the lives and well-being of animals. Seeing so many people offering advice videos is unsettling. Often these people are vicious. They just want to draw customers into their nets to sell them as many things as possible.
The tutorials are well written, made to gently lure you, with promising titles, to the platforms of these shameless people. Some practice a new way of educating their dog, close to nature, a so-called positive way. But as soon as you dig a little deeper, you realize that they were doing the brutal way before.
Let all these pseudo distance educators show honesty by admitting once and for all that they are doing tutorials for marketing purposes. The rest is just hypocrisy.
The profession of the dog is a passion, so if there is not this will to do well from the start, and you change tactics during your career, it is also a way of spotting those who follow. tendencies, but which basically retain the same mercantile and opportunistic soul. What they do to dogs is insane. Some refer people to castration of the dog , prescribe anxiolytics ,… The use of brutal tools creates new problems and completely breaks the animals.
To love an animal is to place its interest at the center of everything.
What fact demonstrates that the conventional system is not adapted and that we do not take dog training in the best way? Animal abandonments!
The abandonment of pets in France is unfortunately legion: more than 100,000 abandoned animals , campaigns every summer from animal welfare associations to raise awareness of this madness, but the evil continues. A certain number of animals are rescued in shelters, a large number are euthanized, for lack of space or adoption. As for owners who have their animals euthanized because they can no longer take care of them, this is common.
Watch one of our videos on the subject. An animal is like a human, it needs to be educated . It is a relationship of trust, of complicity, an inter-species relationship, which is created and built. Like with a child. However, no one would think of having a child euthanized because it is difficult...
This is not what we practice here, with the Gun Method. No guidance behind a screen, as I feel it is not fair to you and the animals, and it is mostly ineffective.
When people contact me asking me questions like: "my dog pulls on a leash, what should I do?", I can't answer them just like that. To do a real job, you have to know how the dog is, what his environment is, how he was educated. To be consistent is to take a "whole" into consideration. We cannot just rely on a problem to solve it. Education is not resolved with questions. We take the time to be with the owner and the dog, we talk, we get to know each other, and we establish a relationship based on trust. At the end of the course, the dog-master relationship can start on a healthy basis. In short, treat the animal as a whole.
It is thanks to this globality that we can adapt to each canine individual in order to be able to get the best out of it, with harmony, by integrating the handler into the training (yes, because he too has his own personality, emotions, habits, rules and games). It is a question of giving an impetus towards the understanding and the complicity dog-master , and to put this pair in the context in which it evolves together.
It's amazing to be able to understand your animal and be able to be understood in return! This symbiosis, with inter-species respect, makes it possible to achieve a harmonious relationship. This is the philosophy of The Gun Method, strong in its 10 years of existence. No mercantile ulterior motive comes to pollute our relationship with you.
I therefore wish by this article, to raise awareness, so that you ask yourself the right questions and do not fall into the advertising traps of the majority. Loving working with animals takes time, and that time is spent in person, not behind a screen and ready-made tutorials.
This is the very essence of honesty and openness. Dogs are smarter than some people claim to be, they will immediately sense if you are consistent in your training and your way of being with them.
This sincerity, I want it transparent, to affirm that the love of our dogs is not declined artificially, but that with a global approach, we include the animal in everything that makes it unique.
Oh lala!!! c’est vraiment super ce que vous faites avec vos chiennes. J’ai une chiot berger allemand de 4 mois, à notre première balade je me suis rendu compte de sa peur envers ses congénère, elle est très agressive. Je suis malheureuse, effectivement après l’éducateur canin et ses friandises , je suis toujours au meme point. Je ne pourrais pas venir dans votre centre dommage, je suis à l’ile de la Rèunion.
Je ne lache rien pour ma chienne.
Très bonne continuation
Depuis que je voie vos vidéos votre méthode m’interpelle et je la trouve très intéressante au point que pour moi qui ai eu toujours des chiens et qui as utilisé beaucoup de méthodes apprises dans des livres d’éducation et dans des clubs canin , je trouve que votre méthode me fait découvrir une nouvelle approche de l’éducation canine très intéressante au point que j’ai remplis le formulaire pour faire votre stage pour devenir éducateur canin !!
bonjour joseph, je viens de decouvrir GUN TV, cest vraiment merveilleux ,la reaction des chiennes dexie et eden , dommage que je n ai plus de chien, mon briard est decede a l age quinze ans , helas trop vieux pour reprendre un chien, mais continue tes videos , cela me reconforte de savoir qu il y a des personnes comme toi, .et tes chiennes bien sur.salut amical claude